
The Town of Amherst has been awarded a significant grant of $260,000 to support the design and permitting process for the dredging of three sedimentation basins at Atkins Reservoir. This essential project is part of the ongoing effort to maintain clean water for the community.

Massachusetts Dredging Program Grant for Amherst

The funding for this project comes from the FY25 Inland Dredging Pilot Project, coordinated by the Massachusetts Dredging Program under the Executive Office of Economic Development (EOED). The $260,000 grant will cover the preliminary stages of the dredging, including necessary designs and permits.

Why the Dredging of Atkins Reservoir Basins is Crucial

Sedimentation Threatens the Reservoir’s Capacity

Over the years, sedimentation has significantly reduced the capacity of the sedimentation basins at Atkins Reservoir. According to Elizabeth Willson, Environmental Scientist for the Department of Public Works, the basins are near full capacity, jeopardizing the reservoir’s ability to store water. Past studies have confirmed that the basins have minimal storage capacity left, making dredging an urgent priority.

Willson stated, “Preserving the storage capacity and water quality of Atkins Reservoir is crucial to providing healthy drinking water to the residents of Amherst.”

Impact of Sedimentation on Water Quality

If not addressed, the sedimentation could cause material to overflow into the reservoir, affecting the quality of drinking water. The dredging project aims to restore the basins’ capacity, improving water treatment before it enters the reservoir, and ultimately protecting the community’s water supply.

Scope of the Atkins Reservoir Dredging Project

The project involves the removal of approximately 1,800 cubic yards of sediment from three basins that filter surface water before it reaches the reservoir. These basins are critical in preventing sediment from entering the reservoir, which helps maintain both water quality and storage capacity.

Objectives of the Dredging Project

Enhancing Surface Water Treatment

The primary goal of the dredging project is to improve the treatment of surface water. By removing sediment from the basins, the system will function more effectively, ensuring that sediment is filtered out before reaching the reservoir.

Preventing Reservoir Sedimentation

Another critical objective is to prevent sediment from entering the reservoir itself. If sedimentation continues unchecked, it could significantly reduce the storage capacity of the reservoir, impacting its ability to supply sufficient water to the town.

Next Steps for the Amherst Dredging Project

With the grant secured, the Town of Amherst will move forward with the design and permitting phase. Once these stages are completed, the actual dredging can begin, ensuring that the basins can continue to play their vital role in protecting the reservoir and the town’s water supply.

Conclusion: Protecting Amherst’s Water Supply

The $260,000 grant awarded to Amherst is a critical step in safeguarding the town’s water supply. By dredging the sedimentation basins at Atkins Reservoir, the project will ensure long-term water quality and storage capacity, benefiting the entire community.

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