Current Management Practices at Zeekoevlei and Rondevlei

The City of Cape Town has announced plans to redevelop and upgrade the weirs at Zeekoevlei and Rondevlei, both situated within the False Bay Nature Reserve. This redevelopment of the ‘weir complex’ aims to complement other medium-term interventions, such as the dredging of Zeekoevlei, with the goal of enhancing the overall water quality of this Ramsar site.

Current Management Practices at Zeekoevlei and Rondevlei

Zeekoevlei and Rondevlei currently use a system of penstock sluice gates to manage water levels. These gates allow the water level to be lowered to a minimum depth during the annual ‘drawdown,’ typically conducted at the end of the summer sailing season.

Purpose of the Annual Drawdown

The primary purpose of the drawdown is to remove nutrient-rich water and sediment, thereby increasing the capacity before the winter rains. This process helps to reduce the risk of flooding in surrounding areas.

Benefits of the Proposed Weir Modifications

Enhanced Drawdowns for Zeekoevlei and Rondevlei

The proposed redevelopment and modification of the weirs offer several advantages:

  • Deeper and More Flexible Drawdowns: The new design will enable deeper and more flexible annual drawdowns of Zeekoevlei and Rondevlei, facilitating more effective sludge and reed clearing, as well as oxygenation of exposed sludge.
  • Improved Water Quality: A deeper drawdown level will significantly improve the water quality of the vleis.

Environmental and Ecological Benefits

  • Raised Groundwater Table: The new Rondevlei weir will raise the groundwater table in the southern portion of the nature reserve.
  • Increased Flexibility in Water Management: The modifications will allow greater flexibility in water management and facilitate the movement of natural estuarine fish into the vleis.


These proposed changes to the weirs at Zeekoevlei and Rondevlei are expected to provide substantial environmental benefits, enhancing the ecological health and resilience of the False Bay Nature Reserve. By improving water quality and increasing the flexibility of water management, the City of Cape Town aims to protect and preserve these vital wetlands for future generations.

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