
Mariners are advised of upcoming dredging operations at Oikos No. 1 Jetty. The operations will be carried out by contractors on behalf of Oikos Storage Ltd. using Water Injection Dredging methods.

Overview of Dredging Operations at Oikos Jetty No. 1

On or around Thursday, 19th September 2024, dredging activities will commence at the Oikos No. 1 Jetty. These operations are essential for maintaining navigational safety and improving the operational efficiency of the jetty. The area to be dredged is highlighted in red on the chart provided.

What is Water Injection Dredging?

Water Injection Dredging (WID) is the method selected for this project. This environmentally friendly dredging technique will be used during ebb tides only. WID involves injecting water into the seabed to resuspend sediments, allowing the natural tidal currents to transport the material away from the dredging area.

Location and Scope of the Dredging Project

The dredging will focus on the following areas:

  • Oikos No. 1 Jetty berth box
  • Rear section of the berth
  • Clearance channel
  • Approach and transit area to the berth

The goal is to ensure adequate water depth for safe vessel navigation. The dredging operations are expected to be completed by 30th September 2024.

Safety Precautions for Mariners During Dredging

Requirements for Slow Speed and Caution

Mariners navigating near Oikos No. 1 Jetty are urged to exercise caution and proceed at reduced speed. This is crucial to ensure the safety of both the vessels and dredging operations. The guidelines for these safety measures are outlined in the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, specifically in the ‘London VTS’ section, under Section 4.

Display of International Code Flags

During the dredging operations, the International Code Flags ‘Romeo Yankee’ will be displayed, as illustrated below. These flags indicate the need for caution and reduced speed. In addition to these flags, all required lights and shapes as per local regulations and the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea will be in place.

Importance of Adhering to Navigational Warnings

Mariners are reminded that adhering to these navigational warnings is vital to ensure smooth dredging operations and prevent accidents. The dredging work will contribute to enhancing the efficiency of the Oikos No. 1 Jetty, ensuring its continued operation for years to come.

Project Timeline and Completion Date

The dredging operations are expected to be completed by 30th September 2024, provided that conditions allow for uninterrupted work. Mariners should stay informed of any updates or changes to the schedule through the Port of London Authority’s communication channels.

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