
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Philadelphia District has commenced dredging activities in the Barnegat Inlet, specifically in the Oyster Creek section of the federal navigation project. This crucial project aims to improve the navigability of one of the East Coast’s most hazardous inlets.

Multi-Phase Dredging Effort in Barnegat Inlet

As part of a multi-phase plan, the dredged sediment is being relocated to a designated area to help form a new island in the bay. This project not only enhances navigational safety but also contributes to environmental restoration efforts in the region.

Beneficial Use of Clean Sediment

According to an official statement from the Army Corps of Engineers, they prioritize the beneficial use of clean sediment whenever possible. The Army Corps stated, “When sediment is clean, USACE seeks opportunities for beneficial use of the material,” underlining their commitment to environmentally friendly practices.

The Dangers of Barnegat Inlet

Barnegat Inlet is known as one of the most treacherous navigation points along the East Coast. With rapidly shifting sediment and strong currents, it poses significant risks for vessels. Regular dredging is essential to maintain safe passage for boats and other maritime traffic.

How Often Is Barnegat Inlet Dredged?

Typically, the Army Corps dredges Barnegat Inlet twice a year. The operation involves the use of USACE-owned dredges, such as the Currituck or Murden, to clear sediment and improve the inlet’s navigability. This consistent maintenance is crucial to prevent hazardous conditions for vessels.

Challenges in Managing Sediment Build-Up

Despite the ongoing dredging efforts, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports that a large amount of sediment continues to accumulate in both state and federal navigation channels. The limited availability of funds and designated disposal sites for the dredged material presents a significant challenge for long-term management.

Conclusion: The Importance of Ongoing Dredging at Barnegat Inlet

The current dredging project in Barnegat Inlet is vital for maintaining safe navigation and supporting environmental efforts in the region. As sediment build-up remains a persistent issue, ongoing dredging operations and innovative disposal methods are essential for the future of Barnegat Inlet and other vital waterways along the East Coast.

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