USACE Bronx River Dredging Project

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), New York District, has initiated a crucial project to dredge the Bronx River in New York. This effort is aimed at improving navigation and supporting commercial activities in the region.

Project Overview

The USACE has announced plans for maintenance dredging, which involves the removal of approximately 200,000 cubic yards (CY) of sediment from the Bronx River. The dredging will achieve a project depth of -10 feet plus an additional 1 foot of overdepth below Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). The dredged material will be transported to the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS).

Dredging Process and Equipment

The dredging operation will be carried out using a mechanical dredge equipped with an environmental clamshell bucket or a similar apparatus. This specialized equipment is designed to minimize environmental impact while efficiently removing sediment.

Purpose and Benefits

The primary goal of this project is to alleviate the effects of shoaling in the Bronx River Channel. Shoaling can hinder safe navigation and disrupt commercial activities. By removing accumulated sediment, the USACE aims to ensure safe passage for vessels and promote the economic use of the river channel.

Historical Context

The Bronx River Channel was last dredged in 1991, during which approximately 64,000 CY of material was extracted to a depth of -10 feet MLLW. The sediment from that operation was deposited at the former Mud Dump Site in the Atlantic Ocean. This new project marks a significant step in maintaining and enhancing the navigability of the Bronx River.


The USACE’s initiative to dredge the Bronx River Channel is a vital effort to support commercial navigation and ensure the safe passage of vessels. By removing significant amounts of sediment, the project will help maintain the river’s depth and promote economic activities in the region.

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