City manager provides water infrastructure update

Discover the latest updates on Milledgeville’s Water system and infrastructure straight from the desk of City Manager Hank Griffeth. Keeping residents and elected officials in the loop has been our priority, and here’s what you need to know about recent developments.

Challenges Faced: Overcoming Water Infrastructure Disruptions

Navigating Turbulent Waters: April 2023’s Water Crisis

Picture this: April 2023, a pivotal moment for Milledgeville’s water system. City Manager Hank Griffeth unveils the tale of a major disruption caused by a motor failure at the water treatment plant. Despite facing a similar hiccup just months before due to freezing temperatures, our team sprang into action to mend the situation swiftly.

Lessons Learned: Adapting to Unforeseen Circumstances

Even with the best-laid plans, Mother Nature can throw us a curveball. Griffeth emphasizes our relentless efforts to patch up the breaks caused by the motor malfunction. While we couldn’t control the weather or the motor’s failure, we’ve learned valuable lessons to better prepare for such scenarios in the future.

Transparency in Action: The Role of Alderman Walter Reynolds’ Resolution

Now, let’s shine a light on a silver lining amidst the chaos: Alderman Walter Reynolds’ draft resolution. Crafted in the aftermath of the incident, it served as a beacon of transparency, guiding us in promptly communicating vital information to our community during crises and beyond.

Restoring Normalcy: Efforts to Address Water Shortages

Detailing the events of that fateful April, Griffeth recounts the challenges we faced when the Lamar Ham Water Treatment Plant’s largest pump went offline. With the backup pump struggling to keep up and delays in portable pump delivery, some residents found themselves temporarily without water—a stark reminder of its preciousness.

Rapid Response: Ensuring Water Quality and Safety

But we didn’t stop there. We hustled to replace valve inserts, streamline operations, and finally, install the portable pump to restore normalcy. Yet, even in those trying times, the safety of our residents remained paramount. Mandatory boil water advisories were issued, and rigorous testing ensured water quality met the highest standards.

Unraveling the Mystery: Investigating Motor Failure

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: the motor failure. Contrary to speculation, maintenance lapses weren’t the culprit. Thanks to a thorough investigation by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance, we identified a high-voltage surge as the unexpected culprit—a reminder of the unpredictability of infrastructure.

Looking Ahead: Building Resilience for the Future

Looking ahead, we’re committed to proactive maintenance and transparent communication to ensure uninterrupted water supply. With three pumps at our disposal, we’re better equipped to handle future challenges, bolstering our resilience in the face of uncertainty.

In a nutshell, Hank Griffeth’s insights offer a glimpse into Milledgeville’s unwavering dedication to water reliability. As we navigate through uncertainties, rest assured, your city remains steadfast in safeguarding your access to clean, dependable water.

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