
Approval Benefits Andalusian Fleet and Workers

The European Commission has officially approved a two-year management plan for trawler and mechanized dredge fishing along the Andalusian Mediterranean coast. This new plan directly benefits a fleet of 189 vessels and supports around 600 workers, ensuring the continuation of their livelihoods in a sustainable manner.

Promoting Sustainable and Responsible Fishing Practices

The management plan is designed to promote sustainable and responsible fishing practices by setting species quotas that maintain populations within safe biological limits. This careful management is essential for preserving marine life and ensuring the long-term viability of the fishing industry in the region.

Data-Driven Approach Leads to Higher Quotas

Crucial to the plan’s approval were the data provided by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography and the sales records from the fleet’s activities. These data sources demonstrated the sector’s commitment to sustainability, leading to the establishment of quotas that were higher than initially expected.

Governmental Support and Sector Commitment

Ramón Fernández Pacheco, the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, and Rural Development, expressed his satisfaction with the European Commission’s approval of the management plan. He emphasized the importance of the fishing sector as a vital food source and underscored its dedication to sustainable practices.

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