Coastal Restoration Insights

Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. (GLDD) has clinched a significant $9.3 million contract for vital maintenance dredging at St. Lucie Inlet, Florida.

As part of the project, sanctioned by the Army Corps of Engineers, dredging will be undertaken in the inlet’s entrance channel and impoundment basin in order to ensure a depth of 7 feet. This is an important step in the approach we have taken to ensure the safety of marine life.

GLDD Awarded $9.3M Contract for Essential St. Lucie Inlet Dredging Project

The project, sanctioned by the Army Corps, entails maintaining the dredging of the inlet’s entrance channel and impoundment basin to ensure a depth of 7 feet, a crucial step in our commitment to marine conservation and safety.

As soon as the dredged material is completed, it will be deposited within the permitted ocean disposal area, which is located approximately 10.6 nautical miles southeast of the inlet, according to the permit.

All tasks are scheduled for completion by the end of August 2024. This dredging initiative is crucial for maintaining navigability and supporting marine traffic in the St. Lucie Inlet region. Stay informed with coastal restoration insights.

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