
Lake Macquarie City Council is moving forward with a permanent solution for the ongoing dredging of Swansea Channel. The Council is spearheading the design, supply, and deployment of a new dredge vessel and associated equipment to address the channel’s long-standing issues.

Council’s Commitment to a Permanent Swansea Channel Dredging Solution

During Monday night’s meeting, Councillors voted to include a proposal for continuous dredging of the Swansea Channel in the upcoming quarterly review of the Operational Plan. The plan aims to utilize funds from both Federal and State Governments, ensuring long-term sustainability for the project.

Development of a Sand Transfer System and Relocation Plans

The proposal not only focuses on dredging but also includes the development of a sand transfer system. Additionally, it explores the feasibility of relocating dredged sand to Blacksmiths Beach, providing a comprehensive approach to managing the channel’s sediment.

Sand Transfer System: A Key Component of the Project

The sand transfer system is a crucial element of the proposal, designed to ensure that dredged materials are effectively managed and relocated, minimizing environmental impact and maximizing the efficiency of the dredging process.

Economic and Safety Benefits of Dredging the Swansea Channel

Lake Macquarie Mayor Kay Fraser highlighted the importance of Council’s involvement in the project. While the local government does not directly manage the sand and waterways in Swansea Channel, Mayor Fraser noted that without the Council’s intervention, ongoing dredging might not occur.

Unlocking Economic Potential Through Dredging

“Council does not directly benefit from dredging the channel,” Mayor Fraser stated. “However, economic analyses suggest that maintaining a permanently navigable channel could unlock over $175 million in new construction around the lake and serve as a catalyst for tourism growth.”

Enhancing Safety and Enjoyment of Lake Macquarie

Mayor Fraser also emphasized the importance of improving the safety of residents and visitors who enjoy Lake Macquarie. A well-maintained channel not only supports economic growth but also ensures a safer environment for recreational activities.

Funding and Implementation Strategy

The Council agreed to proceed with the project, provided it remains cost-neutral for the organization. The Federal Government has committed $10 million under its Priority Community Infrastructure Program, complemented by additional funding from the NSW Government’s Boating Infrastructure and Dredging Scheme.

Key Project Components to Be Rolled Out Concurrently

Council Deputy CEO Tony Farrell outlined three main components of the project, which will be implemented simultaneously:

  1. Design, Supply, and Deployment of the Dredge Vessel: This phase involves procuring the dredge vessel and necessary equipment.
  2. Design and Construction of the Sand Transfer System: The sand transfer system will be designed, constructed, and commissioned as part of the project.
  3. Replacement of Blacksmiths Boat Ramp: Upgrading the boat ramp is essential for improving access and safety in the area.

“The next step is to continue discussions with relevant Federal and State agencies and formalize legal agreements to establish funding arrangements and responsibilities,” Mr. Farrell explained.

Expediting the Dredging Process

“We recognize the community’s strong desire for a long-term solution to the dredging issue, and we are committed to expediting this process,” he added.

Inclusion in Upcoming Operational Plan Reviews

The dredging proposal is expected to be included in either the September or December quarterly review of the Operational Plan, ensuring that the project moves forward without delay.


Lake Macquarie City Council’s proactive approach to securing a permanent dredging solution for Swansea Channel highlights its commitment to both economic growth and community safety. Through careful planning and strategic funding, the Council aims to create a navigable channel that benefits the region for years to come.

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