Erosion-Prone Riverbank in Forest

The delayed Chedoke Creek sewage dredging project is finally commencing after an agreement with indigenous representatives.

Background: Ministry Mandate and Combined Sewer Overflow Incident

After a prolonged wait, the City of Hamilton is gearing up to initiate the dredging of Chedoke Creek. The Ministry of the Environment mandated it due to a combined sewer overflow incident from January 2014 to July 2018. Milestone Environmental Contracting Inc., the city’s appointed general contractor, has now remobilized its equipment to the site. It is in the final stages of constructing a dredge material management area in Kay Drage Park.

Construction of Dredge Material Management Area

The project’s in-water phase is scheduled to commence on July 17, 2023, focusing on dedicated debris removal in Chedoke Creek. This is precisely between the Desjardins Recreation Trail and Kay Drage Park bridges. The proactive debris removal will ensure unobstructed access for the dredger within the targeted dredging zone.

To address environmental concerns, the city had previously established monitoring agreements with the Huron-Wendat Nation, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, and the Six Nations of the Grand River. However, the project faced a setback last summer when picketing by the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council, represented by the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (HDI), halted progress. HDI and the city have now reached an agreement allowing the work to proceed.

Health and safety orientation training is being conducted for each environmental monitor involved in preparation for the project. This training ensures that monitors are well-informed about their rights, responsibilities, and the importance of maintaining safety at the worksite.

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