A Strategic Dredging Initiative

O’Connor Sutton Cronin is spearheading an essential maintenance dredging project at Annagassan Harbour, County Louth, commissioned by Louth County Council and in collaboration with Anthony D Bates Partnership LLP. This initiative is crucial for enhancing the harbour’s functionality and accessibility.

Project Overview and Objectives

Annagassan Harbour consists of several key components including an approach channel, quay walls, vessel berths, a slipway, and a breakwater. The accumulation of silt and sediment over the years has severely limited access to the harbour and diminished its mooring capacity by up to 80%. The primary objective of this dredging project is to restore full access to the harbour and optimize its mooring capabilities.

The Dredging Strategy

The focus of the dredging effort is to deepen the access channel and the entire mooring area to a depth of 1.9 meters above Chart Datum. This process is expected to remove approximately 9,000 cubic meters of sediment, with the exact volume to be confirmed following a detailed bathymetric survey. The dredged material will be responsibly transported to a licensed disposal facility, ensuring environmental compliance.

Impact and Benefits

The successful completion of this project will not only enhance navigational safety but also increase the operational capacity of Annagassan Harbour. Improved access will facilitate larger vessels and increase the economic activity in the area, benefiting the local community and stakeholders.

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