Shoreline Protection Project Progress

Efforts to safeguard the shoreline of Cape Lookout National Park from erosion are advancing. The project, initiated in November 2023, aims to preserve the coastal area, ensuring its longevity and stability.

Contract Award and Scope

A substantial contract of $6,898,500 was awarded to Next Generation Logistics for dredging activities. The project’s scope is extensive, reaching beyond the lighthouse area, from Back Sound to Lookout Bight Federal Navigation Channel and adjacent National Park Service Channels.

Sand Distribution for Erosion Control

In the span of late March to early April, sand was strategically deposited onto Cape Lookout National Seashore. This sand has now been evenly spread out, forming a protective barrier against erosion.

Progress and Future Plans

Joni Dennis of the Save Cape Lookout Foundation reported that about 100 yards of sand now bolster the dunes at high tide. The crew is set to move their equipment shortly to complete additional drainage work, with the project continuing throughout the month.

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