
Great Lakes Dredge and Dock (GLDD) has commenced pipe installation as part of the much-anticipated beach nourishment project at Town Neck Beach, Massachusetts. This project is a crucial step in protecting the beach from further erosion and restoring the shoreline to its former state.

Partnership for a Sustainable Shoreline

This beach nourishment project is being carried out in partnership with the Town of Sandwich and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The aim is to mitigate the shore damage caused by the Cape Cod Canal’s east jetties. The plan involves placing approximately 320,300 cubic yards of sand onto Town Neck Beach, a one-time operation designed to strengthen the beach against future erosion.

How the East Jetties Impact Town Neck Beach

Disruption of Natural Sand Drift

One of the main issues affecting Town Neck Beach is the disruption of the natural sand drift along the Cape Cod Bay littoral zone. The east jetties of the Cape Cod Canal have caused sand to accumulate on their northern side, which would have naturally drifted toward Town Neck Beach. This project seeks to restore that sand to its proper location.

The Sand Dredging and Transport Process

Hydraulic Dredging from Scussett Beach

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is overseeing the process of dredging sand from a large borrow area off Scussett Beach. The sand will be extracted using hydraulic dredging, down to a depth of –18 feet at Mean Low Low Water (MLLW).

Pipeline Transport to Town Neck Beach

Once dredged, the sand will be transported through a pipeline measuring roughly 9,000 feet in length. This pipeline will stretch across the bottom of the Cape Cod Canal and carry the sand directly to Town Neck Beach, where it will be deposited and shaped according to an engineered design.

Creating an Engineered Dune and Berm System

Sand Placement and Shaping

After the sand reaches Town Neck Beach, it will be shaped into a protective dune and berm system. This design is intended to prevent additional erosion and safeguard the shoreline from future damage.

Project Mobilization and Timeline

Sand Pumping to Begin Soon

The mobilization for the beach nourishment project is already in full swing, and hydraulic pumping of the sand is expected to begin this week. This marks the next significant step in restoring the Town Neck Beach shoreline.

Protecting Town Neck Beach for the Future

By restoring the natural sand flow and creating a durable dune system, this project will help preserve Town Neck Beach for years to come, ensuring it remains a valuable natural resource for both residents and visitors.


The Town Neck Beach nourishment project is a critical effort to restore the natural balance of sand movement and protect the beach from further erosion. With the collaboration between Great Lakes Dredge and Dock, the Town of Sandwich, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, this project promises to make a lasting impact on the local environment.

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