Balkan Shipyard to Partner with Dutch Company

In a bid to bolster its capabilities, a delegation from Turkmenistan’s Balkan Shipyard recently embarked on a visit to the Netherlands. This visit aimed to forge partnerships with local shipbuilding companies, with a particular focus on the construction of dredgers – a crucial asset for maritime infrastructure development.

Interest in Dredger Construction and Staff Training

Balkan Shipyard is eyeing the construction of dredgers within Turkmenistan, alongside initiatives to provide enhanced training for its staff. Dredgers play a vital role in deepening existing harbors, rivers, and canals, contributing to the efficient functioning of maritime transport networks.

Collaborative Endeavors with Dutch Companies

During their visit, the management team of Balkan Shipyard engaged in productive discussions with three renowned Dutch shipbuilding firms: De Klopp BV, Royal IHC, and Damen Shipyards Group. The primary agenda was to explore the production of an electric dredger, a venture that holds significant promise for both parties involved.

Announcement of CSD 650 Dredger Construction

Following extensive deliberations, Balkan Shipyard announced its decision to undertake the construction of the CSD 650 dredger at a facility in Turkmenistan. This ambitious project will be carried out under the supervision of engineers from Damen Shipyards Group, highlighting the collaborative spirit between the two entities.

Prospects for Local Manufacturing

In a separate development, discussions between representatives from Balkan Shipyard (Turkmen Sea and River Roads) and Damen Shipyards Group in October 2023 explored the possibility of establishing a dredger manufacturing facility within Turkmenistan. Such a venture holds immense potential for bolstering the country’s maritime infrastructure and fostering economic growth.

Technological Advancements and Capacity Enhancement

Moreover, Balkan Shipyard received a significant boost in its capabilities with the transfer of proprietary construction technologies from Korea’s Koryo Shipbuilding Industry Technology Co. Ltd. This infusion of advanced technology is poised to elevate the Turkmen factory’s production capacity from four to five vessels per year, signaling a leap forward in its operational efficiency and competitiveness.

The collaboration between Balkan Shipyard and Dutch counterparts underscores the growing synergy in the global maritime industry. With concerted efforts and strategic partnerships, Turkmenistan is poised to enhance its maritime infrastructure and emerge as a key player in the regional maritime domain.

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