
Aquamec Ltd., the company behind the Watermaster amphibious dredger, recently released a striking photo of their innovative dredging equipment working to remove silt from a dam reservoir in the Swiss Alps. This critical operation aims to restore the reservoir’s water storage capacity and boost its energy generation potential.

Reservoirs are vital infrastructure, supplying water for agriculture, drinking, and electricity generation, while also playing a key role in flood prevention. However, as many aging reservoirs become filled with silt, their ability to function effectively is significantly diminished. The Watermaster dredger offers a reliable solution for addressing this issue.

The Importance of Reservoirs for Water Supply and Energy Production

Reservoirs serve multiple essential functions, such as:

  • Agricultural Irrigation: Reservoirs store water that can be released to irrigate crops, ensuring consistent food production.
  • Drinking Water Supply: Many communities rely on reservoirs for clean drinking water, especially during dry seasons.
  • Hydroelectric Power Generation: Reservoirs store water that can be used to generate electricity, providing a renewable energy source.
  • Flood Control: By storing excess water, reservoirs help mitigate the risk of floods in downstream areas.

Challenges Faced by Aging Reservoirs

Many of the world’s reservoirs were built decades ago, and over time, they have become filled with silt and sediment. This accumulation reduces their storage capacity, decreasing their efficiency for water supply and energy production. Moreover, silt build-up can block intake structures and disrupt the natural flow of water, which can lead to costly repairs and operational inefficiencies.

The Role of Watermaster in Restoring Reservoirs

The Watermaster amphibious dredger is designed to address the challenges of silt accumulation in aging reservoirs. Its versatile design, mobility, and ease of use make it a powerful solution for maintaining and restoring water bodies, particularly in remote or hard-to-reach areas like the Swiss Alps.

Key Features of Watermaster Dredger

  • Amphibious Capabilities: The Watermaster can operate both in water and on land, making it ideal for reservoirs with varying water levels.
  • Interchangeable Attachments: Equipped with various tools, such as a suction dredge, cutter, or rake, the Watermaster can handle different types of sediment removal.
  • Efficient Setup and Operation: The dredger is easy to transport and set up, allowing quick deployment for silt removal projects.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: By extending the operational lifespan of reservoirs, Watermaster helps save money on expensive infrastructure upgrades or new dam construction.

How Watermaster is Restoring Swiss Alps Reservoirs

In the Swiss Alps, where access to high-altitude reservoirs is challenging, the Watermaster amphibious dredger has proven to be an indispensable tool. By removing the accumulated silt, the dredger helps restore the reservoir’s capacity to store water, which is critical for generating hydroelectric power and supplying nearby communities with water for agriculture and drinking.

A representative from Aquamec Ltd. emphasized the impact of their dredging technology, stating, “Watermaster is the ideal solution for restoring aging reservoirs. It’s easy to transport, quick to set up, and can handle all maintenance tasks with its interchangeable attachments. The results are visible almost immediately as reservoirs regain their full capacity and efficiency.”

Benefits of Regular Silt Removal from Reservoirs

Regular maintenance, including dredging to remove silt and sediment, offers several key benefits for reservoir operators:

  • Enhanced Water Storage Capacity: By removing silt, reservoirs can regain their full capacity to store water for agriculture, drinking, and electricity generation.
  • Improved Hydroelectric Output: Dredging restores the water flow needed for hydroelectric power, boosting energy output.
  • Reduced Flood Risk: By maintaining proper water levels, dredging helps reservoirs perform their role in flood control.
  • Extended Reservoir Lifespan: Proactive maintenance extends the useful life of reservoirs, reducing the need for costly infrastructure replacements.


The use of the Watermaster amphibious dredger to remove silt from a dam reservoir in the Swiss Alps highlights the crucial role of innovative dredging technology in maintaining and restoring water storage infrastructure. By removing sediment, the Watermaster ensures that reservoirs can continue to provide essential services, including water supply, hydroelectric power generation, and flood control. As many aging reservoirs around the world face similar challenges, dredging solutions like Watermaster will play an increasingly important role in securing water resources and energy for future generations.

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