Mining Conveyor Belt at Sunset

Anax Metals Limited has received approval from the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation, and Safety (DMIRS) for the Stage 2 Mining Proposal for the Whim Creek Copper Project.

Geoff Laing, the Managing Director of Anax, said, “Anax is delighted to have received the final regulatory approvals required to realize our ambitions towards making Whim Creek a first-mover base metals producer in the Pilbara region. We are proud to have delivered on key milestones for development of the Whim Creek asset and will continue to focus on financing, project expansion, and regional consolidation. Completion of permitting for development and operations is a very significant step in de-risking our business and adding value.”

The recently approved Stage 2 Mining Proposal paves the way for the commencement of mining activities at the Whim Creek Pit and ore processing from the Mons Cupri and Whim Creek pits. This will be done through a Conventional Flotation Processing Plant (Concentrator), enabling the production of separate copper, lead, and zinc concentrates. The proposal also includes the construction of a three-cell In-Pit Tailings Storage Facility (TSF).

It’s important to note that the Stage 2 Mining Proposal builds upon the previously approved Stage 1 Mining Proposal, which was given the green light in October 2022. The Stage 1 Proposal allowed for mining ore from the Mons Cupri Pit, refurbishing the existing Heap Leach Facility, incorporating ore sorters into the existing crushing infrastructure, and constructing a 120-man accommodation village.

With the approval of the Stage 2 Mining Proposal, all DMIRS approvals necessary for the commencement of mining activities at the Whim Creek Copper Project have been secured. This represents the final significant regulatory approval for the Whim Creek site, paving the way for the company’s vision to fruition.

In addition to the Whim Creek Project, Anax continues its environmental studies for the Evelyn and Salt Creek sites, which are integral to obtaining regulatory approvals for future operations. Further environmental studies are planned for the second half 2023 to ensure compliance and responsible development.

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