Ports Approved Under Sagaramala Scheme

Scope of Projects Under Sagarmala Scheme

Sagarmala is the flagship Central Sector Scheme of the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, to promote port-led development in India. Under Sagarmala scheme, Ministry provides financial assistance to State Governments for port infrastructure projects, Coastal berth projects, including dredging, Road & Rail projects, fish harbors, skill development projects, Coastal community development, cruise terminal, and projects such as Ro-Pax ferry services, etc.

Ports other than Major Ports (Non- Major Ports) are under the administrative control of the respective State Government. Based on the request from State Government and necessary documents, projects are taken up under Sagarmala scheme in terms of Sagarmala funding guidelines and instructions of the Ministry of Finance on appraisal and approval of projects. 

At present, there are no proposals from the State Government for infrastructure at Beypore Port under Sagarmala scheme.

Process for Project Selection and Funding

The government of Kerala has informed that Beypore Port has 340 M long wharf. The Port has three fixed cranes, five mobile cranes, one container handling crane, two reach stackers, and three Tugs for smooth shipping operations. The government of Kerala has further developed Beypore Port to handle more passengers and cargo. The measures include:

  • Capital dredging for berthing bigger vessels.
  • Increasing the length of the existing wharf.
  • Acquiring land for constructing go down & cargo handling facility.
  • Connectivity.

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