Oil Dynamics Gets Recertified for Quality and Environment

Oil Dynamics has received two important recertifications — ISO 9001 (Quality Management System) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System). The renewed verifications will be valid for the next three years.

The long-term recertification process was carried out under the supervision of Alexander Reichert, Manager Process and NCR at Oil Dynamics.  

Process of ISO 9001 Recertification

For recertifying ISO 9001, the company had to record any training, skills, experience, and qualifications and monitor measuring results. This time, it also included the implementation of a new NCR portal and introduction of an internal audit system.

Enhancements for ISO 14001 Recertification

In case of ISO 14001, the development of an environmental policy, identification of how the organization interacts with the environment, identification of actual and potential environmental impacts, monitoring and measurement of the progress, reviewing the EM-System, the introduction of HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment), and improvement of Oil Dynamics’ ecological footprint were included.

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