
Three Massive Excavators Take Center Stage in Clearing Operations, Promising Relief for Communities Displaced by Years of Incessant Floods

Local authorities report that efforts are underway to address the persistent flooding in the state, utilizing three substantial excavators mounted on pontoons. These machines are actively clearing the Naam River, a critical step in alleviating the flooding that has affected most areas in the state for the past four years.

Stephen Mawich, the chairperson of the information committee in the Unity State Legislative Assembly, shared, “The three fully equipped excavator machines have commenced their operations within the Naam River, diligently removing all impediments obstructing the river’s flow. These machines are integral to the cleansing process of the Naam River.”

Excavators on Pontoons: Key Players

He emphasized the significance of this initiative, stating, “We believe that the clearance of reeds and obstacles from the river will contribute significantly to flood mitigation. This is crucial for the communities displaced (due to flooding) across the seven counties in Unity State, enabling them to return to their respective areas.”

Both lawmakers and residents of Unity State have voiced strong support for the Naam River clearing project, recognizing its potential to alleviate flooding in the region.

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