Enhancing Beaches While Protecting Marine Life

Project Launch and Overview

The Ahtna Marine & Construction Company has initiated the 2024 sand trap dredging and bypassing operation at Jupiter Inlet. The project, overseen by the Jupiter Inlet District, involves the hydraulic cutter suction dredging of approximately 139,000 cubic yards of sand from within the sand trap at Jupiter Inlet, located in Palm Beach County, Florida. The dredged sand will then be relocated to the southern beaches of the inlet.

Timely Completion Prior to Turtle Nesting Season

Scheduled to conclude by the end of April, the timing of the project is strategically set to avoid overlapping with the sea turtle nesting season, due to the high density of sea turtle nests found along the local beaches.

Environmental Compliance and Monitoring

The endeavor has received the necessary approvals from both the Army Corps and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), ensuring compliance with rigorous environmental standards. This includes biological monitoring to safeguard natural resources and marine habitats, particularly the delicate seagrass beds.

Partnership for Marine Life Conservation

Collaboration with the Loggerhead Marine life Center is ongoing to closely monitor sea turtle nesting and ensure that the dredging activities do not negatively affect these critical habitats.