Petersburg South Harbor Dredging Project

Petersburg South Harbor Dredging Project: Enhancing Maritime Safety

The culmination of a meticulous multi-year dredging endeavor in Petersburg’s South Harbor marks a significant milestone in maritime safety. Spearheaded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, this transformative project has facilitated safer navigation for vessels by removing 57,000 cubic yards of sediment, ensuring unobstructed access to berths.

Investment and Collaboration

Initiated after nearly eight years of planning, the dredging project required a substantial investment totaling $7.3 million. The Corps provided funding primarily, with additional support from the Petersburg Borough, drawing from reserves accumulated through state taxes on seafood landings over the past decade.

Navigational Challenges Addressed

Harbormaster Glorianne Wollen emphasized the critical need for dredging to address navigational hazards within the Inner Harbor. Before the project’s commencement, vessels faced the risk of encountering shallows, necessitating meticulous scheduling to minimize potential damage.

Successful Conclusion and Timely Completion

Wollen expressed satisfaction as contractors completed the dredging operation, coinciding with the onset of crab season. The project’s successful conclusion ensures smoother navigation for vessels entering and exiting the harbor, enhancing safety and efficiency.

Future Maintenance and Federal Recognition

Acknowledging the inevitability of future dredging due to isostatic rebound, Wollen reassured that the Petersburg Borough will not bear the financial burden. Thanks to federal recognition, the Army Corps of Engineers will cover future dredging costs, ensuring ongoing maintenance of navigational channels.

Looking Ahead

As attention shifts towards ongoing maintenance, the Corps will monitor the need for dredging in Petersburg’s Middle Harbor catch basin. Plans are underway for a ribbon-cutting ceremony in May 2024, celebrating the successful completion of this vital infrastructure project.


The successful conclusion of the Petersburg South Harbor Dredging Project underscores the importance of proactive infrastructure investment in ensuring maritime safety and efficiency. With smoother navigation pathways established, Petersburg’s harbor stands ready to welcome vessels with enhanced confidence and accessibility.

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