The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' hopper dredges, Yaquina and Essayons, are scheduled to start maintenance dredging in the outer harbor of Grays Harbor on April 8.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Initiates Maintenance Dredging at Grays Harbor

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ hopper dredges, Yaquina and Essayons, are scheduled to start maintenance dredging in the outer harbor of Grays Harbor on April 8. This effort forms part of regular maintenance to ensure the harbor remains navigable and efficient.

Dredging Duration and Areas

The dredging operation will see Yaquina working for approximately 15 days and Essayons for about 25 days, with all activities wrapping up by May 30, 2024. Operations will be conducted around the clock in various areas including the Bar, Entrance, Pt. Chehalis, and South reaches.

Volume and Disposal of Dredged Material

The objective is to remove roughly one million cubic yards of sediment. Of this, 600,000 cubic yards will be relocated to the South Beach Beneficial Use Site (SBBUS), with the remainder being distributed between the Half Moon Bay Beneficial Use Site and the Pt. Chehalis Disposal Sites.

Impact on Local Fishing and Crabbing

Significant concerns have been raised about the presence of crab pots within the SBBUS and the access lanes. The USACE is requesting that fishermen and crabbers relocate their vessels, pots, and equipment to prevent any potential damage. It is crucial that all dredging areas, including the navigation channels, access lanes, and designated placement sites, remain free from fishing and crabbing activities and equipment during the dredging period.

Safety Measures and Buffer Zones

Fishermen, crabbers, and recreational boaters are advised to keep their boats, pots, and gear at least 300 feet away from the boundaries of the navigation channel, placement, and disposal areas or access lanes. This buffer zone is necessary to safeguard against the risk of boats and gear drifting into active dredging areas, where they could be severely damaged or destroyed.


This maintenance dredging at Grays Harbor by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is critical for maintaining the harbor’s functionality and safety. The Corps urges cooperation from local marine communities to ensure the operations proceed smoothly and without incident.